Today is the first time I have been able to study its aroma and oh my goodness it packs a wow.....Conducting a dry down study on both a 10% dilution and undiluted. The oil definately benefits from a dilution to understand its aroma... the flowers intoxicating, open up readily and fills the air with its heady tropical floral perfume.... It is tropical green floral and narcotic.... in the undiluted state I would add creamy and heavy..... as its perfume dries down the green, narcotic ,attributes to also, a floriforous roundness that is in its perfume and is very tenaceous...I began the study around 9am and the scent strips are still heavy with perfume three hours later. I can't wait to create a perfume with this delicious botanical..... ideas are flowing and I am so excited by the thought. I shall begin immediately.
picture of Gardenia tahitensis by Robert Hulak
Just trying to get the word out on my new line of natural home-brewed perfumes. Please check out my website, the Anosmic Perfumery.
I grow this bush in Australia and have always been a fan since first encountering the flower in Tahiti 43 years ago.
It is a unique tropical perfume!
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