The threads concerning early morning picking for distillation in places like Bulgaria and Turkey and other threads from the natural perfumery group, has left me in a deep thinking and contemplative mood. The weather here is unlike the climates in the above areas. The temperature in these countries get far hotter by midday....and yet english roses abound prolifically and with great abundance in our peculiar climate... I am also aware of the certain species used for maximum odor damascenas, centifolias and their names ie kazanlik etc and have spent many happy hours studying and reading...
As for their perfume.....because of the inclement weather we have here I'm interested to experiment with species and their odours with different varieties that are grown here.
Peter Wilde along with now sadly deceased Victor Ogden and his company started exploring the english rose scents by using four different types of english roses for the phytol which I still have . this was back in 97 or even earlier....which I used in my first perfume 'Perpetually Yours' for the Hereford Cathedral. I am certainly intrigued at some point along the way to make some distillations just as I am studying bluebell in tincture to see what could be available in aroma over here for a different species of rose and what sort of perfume it may give up....
just musing.... *smile*
What a beautiful rose! You have to follow your instincts on when to pick them, Janita, and your observations on the different climate sound correct.
Thank you it is beautiful, a very large bush at least 8ft high and 6ft wide and prolific.
It always depends on weather conditions to when I pick... I'll be interested to see when I start a small distillation how that will turn out... not this season though as it is too late in the day..
Oi Janita. O clima interfere na floração e no odor. Certamente.
No meu jardim tenho uma árvore-da-seda.
Floresce muito e fica perfumada antes de chover . Maravilhosa! Como as rosas... Beijocas.Betty
Tranlator Babel Fish:
Hi Janita. The climate intervenes with the budding and the odor. Certainly. In my garden I have a tree-da-silk. It blossoms very and she is perfumed before raining. Wonderful! As the roses… Kisses.Betty
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