Natural Perfume, Music and Embroidery this Trinity weave through my life. They support and give each other inspiration. It is my lifes work and profession. I think about Natural Perfume everyday. It is my reason d'etre. It brings joy, fulfills my soul. Creating beautiful perfumes from flowers, fruits and resins is superlunary. I am besotted, obsessed, deeply in love.

Sunday 24 February 2008

drops in drops

drops in drops by steve took it

So much is going on I really didn't know what photo to upload then I came accross this one and it sums up my feelings with all the news that has happened recently.

Some fantastic new members have joined the Guild and more news coming from Anya at some point Click on the urls to take you there..... Scroll down after great review of anyas perfumes to the next one to see the new members. Plus Anya has created a lovely piece about the story of Ascent between Rohanna and myself... which is just below that one.
Equipment for the project has arrived (well some) which has enabled me to start the project rolling.... getting closer to trying the small experimental piece . Finally, beginning work on the website, complimentary slips, logo which is copyrighted now for my business and finishing off a perfume commission 'kite' that has been with me for over a year now .... and at last is in the diluting, filtering and packaging phase.... yay.. samples to get out and boxes of soap , perfume to prepare for May and textile pieces.... yowza panicking a bit when I read back ... but I will do what I can... and enjoy the whole process.

Looking out for more equipment for the lab and trying to get out into the bedraggled garden to finish pruning...

So drops in drops indeed... *:-D

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