Natural Perfume, Music and Embroidery this Trinity weave through my life. They support and give each other inspiration. It is my lifes work and profession. I think about Natural Perfume everyday. It is my reason d'etre. It brings joy, fulfills my soul. Creating beautiful perfumes from flowers, fruits and resins is superlunary. I am besotted, obsessed, deeply in love.

Saturday 13 January 2007

Earth notes, birds, insects and trees

Saturday January 13th 2007

Kristina from the NBGW emailed yesterday and had some helpful suggestions regarding the dried material for the project. I responded and have also enquired about insect and birdlife round Llyn-y-fan..Also what trees are about the lake.... I know about the silver birches but it would be good to get a topography of the area. I still need to drive up there and take some photos. I will do that in spring when the weather is milder.

Went back to my deep dark base notes and was utterly delighted with it .... cocoa, ambergris, choka loban and vetiver have moulded together in the most scrumptious earthy note...
The Incense formulae needs adjusting...... I feel paraguaan guiaccwood to offset some of the sweet and spicy notes... give a fuller smoky note.... added that before I retired.

What I had planned and what I eventually do is always different ..... I always rebel against my own list of things to do.... rather funny really...

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